Monday, March 27, 2017

Health Related Printables

2 Week Daily Food Log Printable

 I have several health issues that I deal with and I try to do whatever I can to keep myself healthy. Since one of my health issues is Type 2 diabetes I try to stay on top of what I'm eating. In an attempt to do that I use this Daily Food Log.

2 Week Daily Food Log - PDF

*PDFs - Can not be edited. You can only download and print. Any edits you would like will have to be written to the page by hand.

2 Week Daily Food Log - Word doc

*Word docs - Can be edited from your computer after you have downloaded them if you meet one of the following criteria:
- Your computer has Microsoft Office Word already installed.
- You have a google account and upload the document to your google docs.

If you would like to customize the printable to fit your needs I recommend that you download this version.




Medications List Printable

On top of diabetes I also have 2 other health issues that are major enough that I have to see different specialists about them on a regular basis. Not long ago, I discovered my pulmonologist was no longer covered on our insurance plan. Since I've had severe asthma my entire life I had to find a new doctor.

I have also suffered from vertigo for the last 7 years caused by the deterioration of the semicircular canals in my left inner ear. Even though I have been able to control my vertigo symptoms pretty well over the years, I recently went through a bought of severe vertigo that started in August and caused me to suffer from constant dizziness for about 3 months. My original vestibular specialist had retired so I had to find a new doctor quickly and then was sent to all kinds of different doctors and facilities for tests and other things. At each new place I had to fill out new paperwork and provide a list of what medications I was on. I got so sick of trying to remember the names of medications and doses that I put this list together to print and take with me. It has been a life saver!

Medications List - PDF

*PDFs - Can not be edited. You can only download and print. Any edits you would like will have to be written to the page by hand.

Medications List - Word doc

*Word docs - Can be edited from your computer after you have downloaded them if you meet one of the following criteria:
- Your computer has Microsoft Office Word already installed.
- You have a google account and upload the document to your google docs.

If you would like to customize the printable to fit your needs I recommend that you download this version.

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